The Importance of Rituals

Rituals are repeated meaningful activities, events, or actions which reflect and reinforce the beliefs of a community. They contain symbols and objects and are often used to mark special transitions in a person’s life. Rituals are also important as they often tell the story of a community and help its members feel connected to that community.

One fundamental belief we have at Whitefriars is the importance of belonging. As a primary human need, belonging is connected to happiness, a flourishing mental health, motivation and a sense of purpose.

At Whitefriars, we have many rituals to reinforce the importance of belonging for both our students and their families. One of these is the Year 7 House Welcome Evening. The Year 7 students and their families come to the College one House group at a time to mark the significance of belonging to Whitefriars and their House. Each evening begins with a Mass, celebrated by our Carmelite Chaplin, Father Paul Sireh. The focus of each Mass is on the patron saint of each House: Saint Teresa of Avila (Avila House), Blessed Titus Brandsma (Brandsma House), Saint Andrew Corsini (Corsini House), Saint Edith Stein (Edith Stein House), Therese Martin (Lisieux House), Blessed Baptist of Mantua (Mantua House), Blessed John Soreth (Soreth House) and Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity (Trinity House).

The second significant part of the evening is the presentation to the boys of their House badge. This badge is a symbol of their membership to their House and a reminder of the qualities required to emulate their House patron as a responsibility of this membership. This membership is also extended to the families of the boys as the positive partnership between home and school is also an important belief at Whitefriars.

Finally, families, students and staff share a meal together served by members of the Parent’s Association. This is a symbol of the connection of families to both Whitefriars and their House. It is also an opportunity for parents/guardians to meet their son’s Pastoral Care Teacher who will be walking with them for the six years of their Whitefriars journey.

We wish all our new families every success in their secondary school journey with us at Whitefriars as we walk together in partnership.


Mr Mick Lafferty

Deputy Principal – Students