Production : The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Whitefriars College presents


John Heimbuch

Friday 25 July and Saturday 26 July 7pm

In the quaint village of Sleepy Hollow, stories of wonder and strangeness surround the legend of a mighty headless Hessian. When the humble schoolteacher Ichabod Crane vies for the hand of the beautiful Katrina Van Tassel, the townsfolk might protest, but it is ultimately the Horseman who will decide his fate.

John Heimbuch’s new take on this timeless story, hews surprisingly close to Washington Irving’s nearly 200-year-old tale while adding fresh comic and fantastical elements.

Students and staff from Whitefriars and Our Lady of Sion College have engaged in a 12 week rehearsal process which is gearing up to be an incredible show full of slapstick and laughter. Students have worked tirelessly on their acting skills on stage as well as a number of students assisting with technical production behind the curtain.

A show not to be missed!




Claire Benne, Adriana Tascone

Production Designer
Nathalie Fox

Sound Designer

Michael Schofield

Lighting Designer
Riley Costello

Cast Includes
Ichabod Crane – Noah Foley
Brom Bones – Xavier Lancucki
Katrina Van Tassel – Scarlett Ryan
Parson Van Houten – Flynn Barren
Baltus Van Tassel – Nick Cima
Hans Van Ripper – Matthew Kosi
Geoffery Crayon – Sophie Kroezen
Rupert – Alex Griffiths

Sleepy Hollow Boys –
Leo Sedony
Jonathan Clark
Matthew Cowper-Hill
Winton Davis

Country Girls –
Lorena Garza
Elana Vais
Holly Lester
Georgia Davies

Ensemble –

Jayde Baillache
Samuel Brown
Henry Howden
Billy Johnstone
Madeline Martins
Madeline Smith
Aidan Southgate
An Vu
Isabel Wang