Science, Technology and Environment at Whitefriars Club (STEW)

The Science, Technology and Environment at Whitefriars Club continued the Waterbug Blitz activity during lunchtime. Mr Murphy dropped in and it was a great chance to acknowledge the 2020 Science and Technology Captains, Daniel Borg and Ben Clarke for all their amazing captain work during 2020. The boys contributed to the weekly STEW club, held interviews, contributed to subject selection processes and were reliable for any requested assistance. Even during lockdown, Ben and Daniel were active in online STEW club and Science Week and were able to inspire and encourage students to follow their passion for science. The Science and Technology learning area staff wish the boys all the best for the upcoming exams and future endeavours.


Thank you, Max Tyler and Tom Fazackerley

Congratulations to Max and Tom for their 2020 Environment Captains efforts. Max and Tom contributed to many SET activities throughout the year. Max and Tom were instrumental in getting the Year 11 cohort in 2019 onboard to lobby for a solar compost bin in the College grounds for students use. Good luck gentlemen for the rest of the year and all your future endeavours.