Parent Partnerships

Parent involvement in schooling benefits students, teachers and parents. As students’ progress through schooling, their parents tend to offer support in less visible ways, with direct parent involvement in schools being reduced. Parental participation improves student learning across all levels of schooling and is encouraged at Whitefriars.

The benefits for involving parents in student learning at the College include:

For students:

  • improving academic achievement creating a more positive attitude to school and studying
  • improving school attendance
  • increasing satisfaction with tertiary education.

For parents:

  • developing closer relationships with teachers
  • increasing parent opportunities to share ideas with other parents
  • reducing family conflict.

For teachers:

  • developing a more positive relationship with parents
  • encouraging a better understanding of students
  • encouraging parental recognition of teaching skills and effort.

Our Student Parent Teacher Conferences this week highlighted this important relationship between student, parent and the teachers at the College to work together to improve learning. Conversations online allowed parents to gain an understanding of where their son’s learning achievement and growth has occurred during the first semester to date. The move to online conferences and the disruptions to learning in 2020 created unprecedented and unexpected high demand by parents seeking feedback through the online experience. Due to this demand, we will be reviewing the process for Semester 2 and looking at ways to improve, again building on an opportunity for parents to be involved in their son’s schooling.

During Term 2, study skills evenings for parents and their son further highlights a partnership that supports learning. Parents can learn the skills with their son, thus creating opportunities for dialogue regarding learning. Our College Book Club is invitational for parents and allows opportunities to role model reading habits that are essential to successful learning.

Students, at times, can experience stress at school, particularly in the Senior Years of schooling. It affects parents, students, and teachers. Parents may respond or may be anxious about the attitude, behaviour, prospects and/or performance of their son. The frequency and effectiveness of communication and mutual support through our Pastoral Care Teachers, House Leaders and subject teachers and initiatives like Parent Information Evenings and involvement in the Parent Association, helps ensure the provision of constructive advice about supporting our boys.
The College provides extensive subject selection and career advice for students and parents during Term 2 and 3 (depending on the year level). The conversations help parents feel empowered and provides an opportunity to understand better the transition process and develop an awareness of the problems caused by imposing unrealistic expectations.
Maintaining a supportive relationship with their child and the school is important for parents. Our online learning platform, Whitefriars Engage, provides regular information and student achievement information and important communication. Whitefriars’ also facilitates opportunities for supportive communication between parents and their son through email, by phone and at regular events.

An upcoming event that parents are encouraged to attend is the Study Skills. The College will be offering study skills evenings for students in Year 8, 9 and 10 this term to assist students and their parents. The evenings will be facilitated by Marina Ensor, Mark Ashmore, Greg Clifford and Claire Thompson in the Healy-Wilson Theatre. Bookings are required due to the limited number of seats in the theatre.

The dates are as follows:
Year 8
Tuesday 4 May
7pm – 8pm
Click on the link to book:

Year 9 and 10
Mon 24 May, Tues 25 May and Thurs 27 May
7pm – 9pm
Click on the link to book:


Mr Mark Ashmore

Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching